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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of October 10: Another 450 troops, 6 tanks and 17 drones

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of October 10: Another 450 troops, 6 tanks and 17 drones Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff updates Russian losses (
Author: Maria Kholina

As of October 10, over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian military forces eliminated another 450 Russian occupiers in the past day, as well as destroyed 6 tanks, 7 artillery systems, and 17 enemy drones, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total Russian combat losses from February 24, 2022 to October 10, 2023 are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel: Approximately 283,080 (+450) individuals eliminated.
  • Tanks: 4,829 (+6) units.
  • Armored combat vehicles: 9,129 (+3) units.
  • Artillery systems: 6,713 (+7) units.
  • Multiple rocket launch systems (MLRS): 808 units.
  • Anti-aircraft missile systems: 544 (+1) units.
  • Aircraft: 315 units.
  • Helicopters: 316 units.
  • Tactical UAVs: 5,207 (+17) units.
  • Cruise missiles: 1,530 units.
  • Ships/boats: 20 units.
  • Submarines: 1 unit.
  • Military vehicles and tankers: 9,125 (+12) units.
  • Specialized equipment: 961 (+2) units.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine's morning briefing, there were 39 combat clashes on the frontlines in the past day. Ukrainian military forces are maintaining defensive positions in the east and south and are conducting offensive operations in the Melitopol and Bakhmut directions.

The Defense Forces' aviation conducted 10 strikes on areas where enemy personnel, weaponry, and military equipment were concentrated. Units of the missile forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine targeted a command post, an ammunition depot, 2 areas with concentrations of enemy personnel, weaponry, and military equipment, as well as an electronic warfare station used by the occupiers.