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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 27: 550 troops and over 20 artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 27: 550 troops and over 20 artillery systems Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)

Yesterday, on August 26th, Ukrainian soldiers eliminated another 550 occupiers. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost approximately 260,820 personnel, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The overall combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022, to August 27, 2023, are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel - approximately 260,820 (+550) eliminated.
  • Tanks - 4,396 (+6).
  • Armored personnel vehicles - 8,554 (+15).
  • Artillery systems - 5,403 (+24).
  • Multiple rocket launchers - 728 (+2).
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 498 (+1).
  • Aircraft - 315 (+0).
  • Helicopters - 316 (+0).
  • UAVs of operational-tactical level - 4,378 (+11).
  • Cruise missiles - 1,411 (+0).
  • Warships/boats - 18 (+0).
  • Vehicles/fuel tanks- 7,854 (+31).
  • Special equipment - 808 (+4).

ЗСУ ліквідували ще 550 окупантів й більше 20 артсистем: Генштаб оновив втрати РФ

Situation on the front

As analysts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) report, Ukrainian soldiers have approached another enemy defensive line in the Zaporizhzhia region. Meanwhile, the Russians are attempting to advance on the Kupiansk front, but a breakthrough there is not expected in the coming months.

According to the Head of the United Coordinating Press Center of Security and Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine, Natalia Humeniuk, the occupiers are also feeling the pressure on the Kherson front. Ukrainian soldiers are engaged in counter-battery combat and are pushing the enemy out of positions they attempted to take after the attack on the Kakhovska Hydroelectric Power Plant.