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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 16: +1,330 troops and 59 artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 16: +1,330 troops and 59 artillery systems Photo: Ukrainian military (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Over the past 24 hours, Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine amounted to 1,330 soldiers, 35 armored combat vehicles, and 59 artillery systems, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total Russian combat losses from February 24, 2022, to August 16, 2024 are:

  • personnel - about 596,950 (+1330) troops;
  • tanks - 8496 (+12);
  • armored personnel vehicles - 16,461 (+35);
  • artillery systems - 16,927 (+59);
  • MLRS - 1159 (+5);
  • anti-aircraft warfare systems - 922;
  • aircraft - 367;
  • helicopters - 328;
  • UAVs operational-tactical level - 13,659 (+61);
  • cruise missiles - 2,429 (+1);
  • warships/boats - 28;
  • submarines - 1;
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 22,848 (+73);
  • special equipment - 2829 (+16).

As of 10 p.m., August 15, 111 combat engagements occurred on the frontline since the beginning of the day. The Pokrovsk sector is the most difficult spot. Russia attempted to attack in this area 39 times. 27 attacks were repelled, 12 were still ongoing.