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Russia redeploying some reserves to Belgorod region: Ukrainian Forces outline objectives

Russia redeploying some reserves to Belgorod region: Ukrainian Forces outline objectives Illustrative photo: Russian forces are redeploying some reserves to the Belgorod region (Getty Images)

Russian forces are redeploying their reserves to the Belgorod region. These soldiers may be used in future assaults, according to a statement by Vitalii Sarantsev, spokesperson for the operational-tactical group Kharkiv.

He confirmed that the Russian army is reinforcing its personnel in the Kharkiv region, including internal rotations and replenishing forces with reserves.

"We also have information that the enemy is bringing additional personnel from the Leningrad region to the Belgorod region to involve these troops in future assault actions. We will provide separate updates on the directions," Sarantsev added.

Additionally, a few days ago, reports were circulating online suggesting that Ukrainian troops had attempted to breach the Belgorod region. These rumors have not been officially confirmed.

What preceded

It is worth noting that combat operations have been ongoing in the northern part of the Kharkiv region for several months. These operations began after the Russian forces crossed the border and attempted to advance deeper into the region.

The enemy was unable to achieve significant success—Ukrainian troops managed to stabilize the frontline and prevent the Russians from approaching Kharkiv within artillery range.

Currently, Ukrainian defenders are continuing operations in the Kursk region. As mentioned in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel by DeepState co-founder and military analyst Roman Pohorily, the Russians might be redeploying their forces from Belgorod to defend the Kursk region.