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Russia redeploying soldiers from Kaliningrad region to Kursk - Lithuanian Ministry of Defense

Russia redeploying soldiers from Kaliningrad region to Kursk - Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Photo: Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Minister of Defense of Lithuania (

Russia has sent its troops from the Kaliningrad region to the Kursk region. This is happening amid the ongoing battles in the region, according to a statement by Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The official noted that Russian troops were being redeployed from Kaliningrad to Kursk. He encouraged the Lithuanian people to appreciate the efforts of Ukrainians fighting on their behalf. The official emphasized that this fighting was compelling Russia to withdraw its forces from Kaliningrad, describing it as a form of demilitarization brought about by the courage of the Ukrainian military.

He added that Ukraine had boosted the morale not only of its own people and Armed Forces but also of Lithuanian society.

According to Kasčiūnas, Ukraine has demonstrated its ability to achieve significant goals, with the operation in the Kursk region being a notable move and a completely new chapter.

What preceded

It is worth noting that last week, Ukrainian defenders managed to break through the border with Russia. They entered the Kursk region, where they continue their advance.

As of today, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, Ukraine controls 74 settlements in the Kursk region.

General Syrskyi also noted that our military achieved success on August 13. They took control of an area of 40 square kilometers.

According to information from the ATESH partisans, Russia is also redirecting troops to the Kursk region that were initially intended for the Pokrovsk direction.