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Russia receives new ballistic missile deliveries from North Korea - NYT

Russia receives new ballistic missile deliveries from North Korea - NYT Photo: Russia received new ballistic missile supplies from the DPRK (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia has received new supplies of Hwasong-11 short-range ballistic missiles from North Korea. The Russian army has already used them to strike Kyiv this summer, according to The New York Times.

According to the agency, on September 3, British researchers in Kyiv examined the debris of four Hwasong-11 missiles after another Russian attack.

The experts deciphered the production markings on several parts of each missile.

They found that the Hwasong-11 missile used in the August 18 attack on Kyiv had markings indicating that it was manufactured this year. The internals of the other three, which were used in the July and August attacks, had no markings to indicate when they were manufactured.

Росія отримала нові поставки балістичних ракет від КНДР, - NYT

Photo: The New York Times

The Hwasong-11 missile has a range of about 700 km and can be equipped with nuclear or conventional warheads. The missile looks similar to the Russian 9M723 ballistic missile of the Iskander-M operational and tactical complex.

DPRK supplies missiles to Russia

In early 2024, the United States announced that Russia had received ballistic missiles from North Korea. Joe Biden noted that the missiles had already been used before for strikes against Ukraine.

The UN also confirmed the use of North Korean missiles by Russian forces.

In February, Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin confirmed the above information and said that the enemy had used at least 24 North Korean-made ballistic missiles at that time.

In March, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, Oleksandr Filchakov, said that since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, Russia has launched approximately 50 Hwasong 11 (KN-23/24) missiles manufactured by North Korea at Ukraine.

In addition, in August, it was reported that Russia may have recently resumed using North Korean KN-23 ballistic missiles against Ukraine.