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Russia positions unarmed Kalibr carrier in Black Sea: Navy

Russia positions unarmed Kalibr carrier in Black Sea: Navy Photo: Russian ship at sea (

As of the morning of October 19, Russia has one vessel in the Black Sea capable of carrying Kalibr cruise missiles. However, its total missile load is currently zero, according to the Ukrainian Navy on Telegram.

At the same time, there are no enemy ships in the Sea of Azov. However, four vessels have been detected in the Mediterranean Sea, three of which are equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles, with a total capacity of up to 16 missiles.

Additionally, over the past day, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait in Russia’s interests:

to the Black Sea: 10 ships, 3 of which continued toward the Bosporus Strait;
to the Sea of Azov: 8 ships, 3 of which came from the Bosporus Strait.

The Ukrainian Navy once again emphasized that the Russian Federation continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling automatic identification systems.

It is worth noting that yesterday the same number of vessels and missile carriers were recorded in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. As before, the ship in the Black Sea was without Kalibr missiles.

Recently, we also reported that, according to Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk, Russia’s fleet can no longer significantly impact the course of military operations in Ukraine. Moreover, the enemy cannot launch missiles effectively from the carriers stationed in the Mediterranean.