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Russian fleet no longer influences course of combat operations in Ukraine - Ukrainian Navy

Russian fleet no longer influences course of combat operations in Ukraine - Ukrainian Navy Photo: Spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk (

The Russian navy can no longer significantly impact the course of military operations in Ukraine, according to a statement by the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk.

"The intelligence colleagues can provide a more professional answer to this question. I can say that no matter the level of readiness or number of units, they cannot significantly impact the course of military operations in our theater," stated Pletenchuk.

According to him, the enemy could potentially move some units via inland waters. Still, they are unlikely to do so because "they can't even manage the remaining units in the Black Sea, which is essentially paralyzed in the Azov-Black Sea region."

"As for other waters, such as the Mediterranean, they are also unable to reach here from there," added the Navy spokesperson.

He emphasized that the real combat actions in Ukraine reveal the weakness of the Russian fleet.

In Pletenchuk's words, Russia considers itself a "powerful maritime nation," but it remains technologically behind NATO countries.

According to Ukraine's Navy, enemy ships were once again detected in the Black Sea this morning.

As of 06:00 AM Kyiv time on October 14, there are two enemy ships in the Black Sea carrying Kalibr cruise missiles with a total volley of up to 8 missiles.

Meanwhile, there are no Russian ships in the Sea of Azov, as in previous days. However, two vessels have been detected in the Mediterranean Sea, both carrying Kalibr missiles with a total salvo of up to 12 missiles.