ua en ru

Russia loses aerial bombs in Belgorod region, evacuation declared

Russia loses aerial bombs in Belgorod region, evacuation declared Russian aircraft "lost" 2 air bombs in the Belgorod region, declared evacuation (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Russian aircraft again dropped two FAB-250 aerial bombs in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, according to the Russian news agecny ASTRA.

According to the material, on January 27, an FAB-250 aerial bomb was found in the hamlet of Postnikiv in the Korochansky district of the Belgorod region. On the same day, another aerial bomb was found in the village of Striletske in the Belgorod district. Authorities decided to evacuate approximately 150 people living within a radius of 500 meters from the projectile's impact site. Both aerial bombs were defused the next day, and no civilians were harmed.

This is not the first incident

According to ASTRA, on January 21, one of the aerial bombs fell in the area of the hamlet of Ionivka, damaging a local dam.

Russian aviation also "lost" its munitions last year. At that time, Su-34 aircraft accidentally dropped a bomb on Belgorod. Additional unexploded ordnances were found in the city shortly afterward.