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Russia launches 43 missiles at Ukraine: Zaluzhnyi reveals how many intercepted

Russia launches 43 missiles at Ukraine: Zaluzhnyi reveals how many intercepted Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi (facebook com vzaluznyj)

Russia launched 43 airborne missiles at Ukraine on the night of September 21. Most of the enemy missiles were intercepted reports the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

He noted that the attack began at around 3:40 a.m. Launches of 43 cruise missiles were detected from 10 strategic aircraft Tu-95MS from the western area of Engel's.

The missiles were launched in several waves. They entered Ukrainian airspace from different directions and constantly changed course along the route.

As a result of the combat actions, air defense forces destroyed 36 cruise missiles. To repel the attack, anti-aircraft missile forces, fighter aircraft, mobile groups, and other means were deployed.

Additionally, as Zaluzhnyi mentioned, at 6:00 a.m., the Russians struck Kharkiv with S-300 surface-to-air guided missiles.

Night attack

Tonight and in the morning, the Russian army attacked Ukraine. Explosions due to air defense operations were heard in various regions, but there were also impact sites.

In particular, an energy facility was attacked in Rivne. In the Cherkasy region, missile fragments fell on a hotel, and in Kyiv, debris falls were reported in several districts.

Find out all the consequences of the enemy's attack on September 21 in our material.