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Russia launched 51 drones at night: Air defense operation report

Russia launched 51 drones at night: Air defense operation report Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the night of September 17, Russia launched more than 50 attack drones against Ukraine. Ukrainian air defense forces managed to destroy 34 of them, according to the Ukrainian Air Force.

In total, Russia launched 51 drones from the following locations:

  • Kursk,
  • Primorsko-Akhtarsk,
  • Cape Chauda.

To counter the air assault, the following were involved:

  • aviation,
  • anti-aircraft missile troops,
  • mobile fire groups,
  • electronic warfare units of the Air Force and Defense Forces.

Overall, 34 drones were successfully destroyed. Due to electronic warfare (EW) operations, 12 drones were lost in various regions of Ukraine, while two others returned to Russia.

Air defense systems were active in the following regions:

  • Mykolaiv,
  • Kherson,
  • Sumy,
  • Poltava,
  • Kharkiv.

Nighttime attacks on Ukraine

Another massive enemy attack began on the evening of September 16. Around midnight, air raid alerts were announced in Kyiv and the Kyiv region, as well as in several northern regions of Ukraine. During the attack, the enemy struck Konotop and Sumy.

Russians have recently increased their use of Shahed drones. Aviation expert Kostiantyn Kryvolap explained the reasons behind these actions in a commentary on RBC-Ukraine.