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Russia keeps one Kalibr carrier in Black Sea

Russia keeps one Kalibr carrier in Black Sea Russian ship at sea (photo:

As of 06:00 on September 12, Russia continues to maintain one carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles in the Black Sea, with a potential salvo of up to four missiles, according to the morning update from the Ukrainian Navy.

At 6:00 a.m., there were no Russian ships in the Sea of Azov, but one vessel was located in the Mediterranean Sea.

"In the Mediterranean Sea, there is one enemy ship, equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles, with a total salvo of up to four missiles," the report stated.

Additionally, over the past day, vessels transited the Kerch Strait in the interests of Russia:

  • to the Black Sea: 9 vessels, 5 of which continued towards the Bosphorus Strait;
  • to the Sea of Azov: 12 vessels, 3 of which came from the Bosphorus Strait.

The Ukrainian Navy also reiterated that Russia continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling automatic identification systems on its ships.

In August, the commander of the special unit of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence (DIU), known by the call sign Thirteenth, stated that over a year and a half, Ukrainian Magura V5 drones had struck 18 Russian vessels in the Black Sea.

"The Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea has essentially capitulated. Everything modern and necessary for Russia has already been withdrawn from Sevastopol. This fleet is paralyzed. Now it only consumes money from the Russian budget, but it cannot perform its functions," he said.