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Russia intensifies Pokrovsk offensive, but control over city is not established - Pentagon

Russia intensifies Pokrovsk offensive, but control over city is not established - Pentagon Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder (Facebook)
Author: Maria Kholina

Intense fighting continues in the Pokrovsk area, with Russian forces making some gains. However, the US does not have specific information on the territories captured, according to Pentagon spokesperson General Patrick Ryder.

"What you're seeing outside of Pokrovsk is, you know, some intense fighting. I don't have specific geographical information to provide in terms of what Russia has taken. We do know that they have in the recent past made some incremental gains as they continue their offensive heading towards Pokrovsk," he said.

According to the Pentagon representative, Russian forces are continuing their push towards Pokrovsk, while Ukrainian forces are offering fierce resistance.

Ryder said that Russia has named this city as its primary objective and is doubling its efforts in the Donbas region. During discussions at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) meeting, the focus was on how best to support Ukraine in defending these territories.

"I think you've seen the Russians say that that is their main effort (to capture Pokrovsk - ed.), and so they've doubled down on that. And so, part of the discussions at the UDCG were focused on how can we best support Ukraine in their defense in that area. So, that will continue to be something that we'll consult with them on and how best we can support them," he added.

When asked if the Pentagon had assessed the changes in control over Pokrovsk, Ryder clarified that Russian forces have not yet reached the city or come close to capturing it.

Situation in Pokrovsk direction

The Pokrovsk direction has remained one of the most challenging areas of the front for several months. Russian forces are just 11 kilometers from Pokrovsk, prompting Ukrainian authorities to announce the mandatory evacuation of civilians from the area.

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said that in this part of the front, Russian troops are actively utilizing their numerical and technological advantages, including artillery and aviation. Over 50 combat engagements occur daily, with Russian soldier casualties reaching up to 300 per day.

Despite this, the Russian advance on Pokrovsk has been halted. According to Syrskyi, Ukraine is taking all possible measures to hold the city, including the successful Kursk operation, which has limited the Russian forces' ability to maneuver.