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Russia increases production of war weapons, but postpones foreign contracts - UK

Russia increases production of war weapons, but postpones foreign contracts - UK Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russia has ramped up its arms production to support the ongoing war against Ukraine, causing delays in contracts with key international partners, according to the British Ministry of Defence.

The report highlights that the recent Army-2024 arms exhibition took place in the Moscow region. Typically, this event attracts both Russian and foreign defense manufacturers, but international attendance has declined since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In previous years, the exhibition was held in conjunction with the Russian International Army Games, which were canceled again this year. British intelligence notes that this time, the focus of the exhibition shifted toward engaging business representatives from the defense industry rather than the general public.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Andrey Belousov attended the exhibition. Belousov described the war in Ukraine as an armed conflict between Russia and the collective West.

Representatives from Belarus, Iran, and North Korea were also present at the event.

"Russia's arms producers are under pressure to increase their output to sustain the war in Ukraine. Some foreign sales contracts to key international partners have been delayed because of the imperative to supply Russian forces," the report says.

The US has declined to comment on the Russian arms exhibition in the Moscow region. However, the Pentagon expressed concerns about Russia's cooperation with Iran, North Korea, and China, stating that Washington is closely monitoring the situation.

As reported in an RBC-Ukraine article, Iran showcased its Mohajer-10 drone at the Moscow exhibition.