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Russia hits elderly care home in Sumy, casualties reported among over 200 residents

Russia hits elderly care home in Sumy, casualties reported among over 200 residents Illustrative photo: Russia strikes an elderly home in Sumy on September 19 (
Author: Daryna Vialko

On Thursday, September 19, Russia struck the city of Sumy, targeting an elderly care home, according to Suspilne.

According to Volodymyr Artiukh, the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, the Russian forces hit the Sumy Geriatric Home. As a result, some people were seriously injured and hospitalized.

It is known that a Russian guided aerial bomb hit the care home, which was housing 221 elderly residents at the time. Evacuation efforts are currently underway.

“There are wounded, some of them are in serious condition and have been hospitalized. No one was killed,” said Artiukh.

According to preliminary data, the main impact occurred on the upper floors of the building, where 24 residents were staying.

Fatality reported

According to the acting mayor of Sumy, Artem Kobzar, the Russian forces attacked the Regional Geriatric Home.

“Preliminarily, one person died from injuries in the hospital, 9 others were wounded,” he said. “People are currently being evacuated to other institutions. All services are involved,” he said.

Situation in Sumy and the region

The Russian army regularly attacks Sumy and the region with artillery, mortars, drones, and aerial bombs. The attacks result in significant destruction of civilian infrastructure and residential buildings, causing deaths and injuries to civilians. The most affected are the border communities of the region, where shelling often takes place.

Last night, there were also explosions in Sumy, which caused problems with electricity and water supply in the city and region.