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Russia exports Ukrainian grain to Iran - NRC

Russia exports Ukrainian grain to Iran - NRC Illustration of grain in a ship (photo: Getty Images)

Russia is transporting Ukrainian grain from temporarily occupied territories to Iran, reports the National Resistance Center.

It is reported that Russian forces have established a new logistical route for transporting Ukrainian grain. Specifically, agricultural products are being transported by train from the Luhansk region to the Caspian Sea and then on to Iran.

At the same time, the National Resistance Center (NRC) claims that the Kremlin is dissatisfied with the decline in crop yields in the occupied part of the Kherson region.

"The cause is reportedly the Kremlin's destruction of the region's irrigation system due to the demolition of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam," the statement says.

Additionally, NRC reports that Russian forces in the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region have developed a procedure for obtaining so-called rights to exploit Ukrainian resources, effectively legalizing their plunder.