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Russia declares complete termination of grain deal on July 18

Russia declares complete termination of grain deal on July 18 Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: RBC Ukraine

According to the comment of Boris Gryzlov, Russia's ambassador to Belarus, the Russian Embassy in Belarus has delivered a note to Ukraine regarding the "grain deal," stating that it must be completely terminated from July 18.

"In the morning of July 17, the Russian Embassy in Belarus transmitted a note to the Ukrainian side through diplomatic channels, which outlined the position of the Russian Federation regarding the future of the 'grain deal'," he said.

The document states, among other things, that Russia officially rejects any further extension of the "grain contract" after its expiration. The aggressor country believes that the implementation of the initiative must be completely ceased from July 18.

Russia also stated that the collective West did not intend to fulfill "its part of the obligations" concerning the "observance of Russian interests" within the framework of the deal.

This includes, in particular, the reconnection of "Rosselkhozbank" to the SWIFT system, the resumption of spare parts supplies for agricultural machinery, ensuring logistics and transportation insurance, and a range of other issues.

Neither Ukraine nor its allies guaranteed any exceptions from sanctions for Russia in order to continue the "grain deal."

"The most serious blow to the concept of the 'Black Sea Initiative,' an integral part of which was the supply of ammonia - the most important raw material for fertilizer production - was dealt by the destruction of the Tolyatti-Odesa ammonia pipeline on the territory controlled by Kyiv, as well as terrorist acts targeting civilian and infrastructure facilities, including the use of maritime corridors intended for grain exports," Gryzlov said.

It is worth noting that the Tolyatti-Odesa ammonia pipeline in the Kharkiv region was damaged as a result of a Russian artillery strike on June 5.

Furthermore, we emphasize that Ukrainian defenders do not attack peaceful residents in the occupied territories; they only target Russian military personnel and logistics, through which the occupiers supply weapons to the front line, as well as ammunition depots.

Grain deal

Today, the press secretary of the Russian dictator Dmitry Peskov stated that the agreements regarding the "grain deal" have effectively been terminated.

Recall that after the start of the full-scale invasion, Russians began blocking Ukrainian ports. Later, Turkey and the UN separately signed agreements with Ukraine and Russia regarding the "grain corridor" in the Black Sea, which envisages the export of Ukrainian food products.

Following this, the initiative was extended several times. However, each time the deadlines expired, Russia stated that it would not continue the operation of the "corridor" and tried to negotiate exceptions from sanctions or additional opportunities for Russian exports but failed to achieve results.