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Russia conducts navy drills in the Black Sea after threats to sink ships

Russia conducts navy drills in the Black Sea after threats to sink ships Russia conducts navy drills in the Black Sea after threats to sink ships (Photo: facebook com mod mil rus)

Russia conducted military drills in the Black Sea and claimed to have practiced missile strikes, following threats to sink ships, declared the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to the Russians, the navy and aviation conducted exercises in an isolated area of the Black Sea, which was closed to navigation.

As per the Russian Ministry of Defense, the ships practiced detaining a violating vessel, and the Russian fleet also carried out missile strikes in the Black Sea.

"In accordance with the combat training plan of the Black Sea Fleet, the crew of the missile boat 'Ivanovets' performed combat firing with anti-ship cruise missiles at a target vessel in the combat training range in the northwestern part of the Black Sea," the statement said.

Russia's threats

Recall that at the beginning of the week, Russia announced its withdrawal from the "grain deal" citing alleged non-compliance with its demands.

Subsequently, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that it would sink any ships attempting to approach Ukrainian ports. Moreover, countries whose ships are heading to Ukraine will be considered involved in the war, as per Moscow's stance.

Yesterday, Ukraine responded to Russia's threats, declaring that from July 20, navigation in the North-Eastern part of the Black Sea will be prohibited as dangerous.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense warned that ships heading to Russian ports or ports in the occupied territory could be considered transporting military cargo.