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Russia conceals troops and gear in 'safe places' in Mariupol, say partisans

Russia conceals troops and gear in 'safe places' in Mariupol, say partisans Photo: Russia hides equipment and military in Mariupol in "safe places" (Getty Images)

Occupants are relocating military equipment to safe places in Mariupol, which also applies to personnel, according to the Telegram channel of the partisan movement ATESH.

"Agents have recorded that the Russian Armed Forces have begun actively relocating equipment and personnel to safer areas," the message states.

According to the partisans, due to the threat of long-range missiles from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian commanders are seriously concerned about the safety of their troops and have no other options besides changing positions.

"We continue to monitor movement routes and reveal the locations of the occupying forces, and all information is promptly transmitted to the Defense Forces for further decision-making," they added in the message from ATESH.

Russia conceals troops and gear in 'safe places' in Mariupol, say partisans

Russia conceals troops and gear in 'safe places' in Mariupol, say partisans

Russia conceals troops and gear in 'safe places' in Mariupol, say partisans

Situation in the Mariupol area

Russian forces captured Mariupol in the Donetsk region during the large-scale invasion of Ukraine. To occupy Mariupol, the Russians employed tactics of starvation and carpet bombing.

Notably, an explosion was heard in occupied Mariupol on October 4. Simultaneously, loud noises were reported in Berdyansk and along the entire coastline.

Additionally, the invaders have established a new base with a large ammunition depot in the Mariupol area. This base was created following the explosions in Mariupol and the surrounding area on September 11.