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Russia building new ammunition depot near Russia's Novorossiysk

Russia building new ammunition depot near Russia's Novorossiysk Photo: Russians started hiding ammunition depots due to the risk of attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (Russian media)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Russian forces have started constructing secure ammunition depots near Russia's Novorossiysk. This move aims to protect their arsenals from airstrikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to the ATESH partisan movement.

During reconnaissance of the training center of Russia's 7th Guards Mountain Air Assault Division near Novorossiysk, extensive construction efforts were detected.

According to a movement agent, Russia is building closed ammunition depots. Theoretically, these depots should help disperse their existing stockpiles and shield them from Ukrainian drone and missile strikes.

Ukrainian partisans report that Russian paratroopers and personnel from a nearby private military company guard the site. S-400 and S-300 air defense systems have been installed around the construction site.

Coordinates of the location: 44.816164023302, 37.58887800894.

Photo: ATESH partisan movement (

Ukrainian partisans' activity

Recently, members of the ATESH partisan movement sabotaged a railway line in the temporarily occupied city of Novooleksiivka in the Kherson region.

Additionally, agents discovered that Russian forces had begun training with North Korean-made howitzers due to a shortage of artillery. There is also speculation that North Korean troops may be deployed in the war against Ukraine.

In addition, Ukrainian partisans explored the vehicle depot and guardhouse of the Russian garrison in Sevastopol.