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Russia attacks with Shahed drones: Explosions occur in 5 regions

Russia attacks with Shahed drones: Explosions occur in 5 regions Illustrative photo (RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

In the early hours of September 20, an air raid alert was declared across almost the entire territory of Ukraine. Russia launched a massive attack using strike drones, prompting the activation of air defense forces, according to Suspilne and the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ruslan Martsinkiv.

Russia began its drone strike late on the evening of September 19, gradually prompting air raid alerts across nearly all of Ukraine.

Explosions were heard in the outskirts of Dnipro, in Zaporizhzhia, Khmelnytskyi region, and in Ivano-Frankivsk, where, according to the mayor, air defense systems were active.

Updated at 4:59. An explosion was heard in Rivne, according to Suspilne correspondents.

Updated at 05:23. Reporters have reported an explosion in Khmelnytskyi.

Earlier reports indicated that air defense was also operating in the Kyiv region.

On September 19, Russia struck the city of Sumy, targeting a care home for the elderly. One person was killed and 13 others were injured with varying degrees of severity. A headquarters has been established at the site to manage the aftermath of the enemy airstrike. Residents of the care home have been evacuated to specially prepared locations where all necessary conditions have been provided. They are receiving medical and psychological assistance.

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Russian forces have used nearly 90 guided aerial bombs against Ukraine since the beginning of the day. "We will definitely respond to the Russian army for this terror. We will respond significantly," Zelenskyy said.