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Russia attacked Ukraine with drones every day in September - First time since the war began

Russia attacked Ukraine with drones every day in September - First time since the war began Illustrative photo: Russia attacked Ukraine with drones every day in September (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

In September of this year, Russia struck Ukraine with Shahed drones every day. 1107 Russian drones were shot down, according to Army Inform.

This month, the Russians launched their drones every day. Some of them were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense forces. Some were lost to electronic warfare, and a few more crashed in Belarus or returned to Russia.

On average, 44 Shaheds were launched across Ukraine every day. In particular, on the night of September 30, Russia launched 76 air attack vehicles across Ukraine, including 73 Shahed drones. But last night, the Russian invaders launched only 22 attack drones.

And on the night of September 14, 76 Shaheds were launched at Ukraine. Ukrainian air defense shot down 72 of them.

Russia attacked Ukraine with drones every day in September - First time since the war beganPhoto: Army Inform

Russian shelling of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russian forces have been regularly launching massive attacks on Ukraine, in particular on energy infrastructure facilities. In addition, almost every night Russia launches Shahed-type drones across Ukrainian territory.

In particular, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, over the past week, Russia struck Ukraine with almost 900 guided aerial bombs and over 300 Shaheds. The Russians also launched more than 40 missiles.