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Russia aims to destroy Ukraine, despite 'willingness to negotiate' - Britain intelligence

Russia aims to destroy Ukraine, despite 'willingness to negotiate' - Britain intelligence Photo: Russian leader Vladimir Putin (kremlin ru)

In Russia, many individuals are focused on the destruction of Ukraine as a state. Meanwhile, the Kremlin authorities claim a supposed "willingness to negotiate," reports the UK Ministry of Defence on X.

It is reported that recently, the so-called "senator" from the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia, Dmitry Rogozin, who had recently boasted about destroying Ukrainian books, called for the eradication of Ukrainian identity in its infancy. He also claimed that any truce with Ukraine would mean "certain death for our children."

The British intelligence emphasized that these comments are the latest in a long series of anti-Ukrainian statements by Russian officials aimed at denying and threatening Ukrainian identity and culture.

"There are likely many individuals within the Russian state who retain maximalist objectives for the war, including the destruction of Ukrainian culture, identity, and statehood. This is despite the alleged Russian willingness to negotiate, as reiterated by presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov on July 1, 2024," the report stated.

The intelligence also reminded that in 2017, Russian leader Vladimir Putin claimed that "not all countries have sovereignty."

It is noted that nearly three weeks ago, Ukraine launched an offensive operation in the Kursk region. A military command and buffer zone have already been established there.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine will bring the war to Russian territory. He also mentioned that the criminals who brought devastation to Ukraine will face devastation at home.

For more details on the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region and what to expect, see the article by RBC-Ukraine.