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Romania disqualifies pro-Russian presidential candidate from running for office

Romania disqualifies pro-Russian presidential candidate from running for office Diana Sosoaca, leader of SOS Romania (photo:

In November, the first round of the Romanian presidential election will take place. However, there are fewer candidates, as a pro-Russian politician was removed from the race, reports Reuters.

The Romanian Supreme Court has removed a pro-Russian far-right politician from the list of presidential candidates. This, in turn, caused concern among candidates across the political spectrum.

The politician in question is Diana Sosoaca, leader of SOS Romania, a small ultranationalist Eurosceptic opposition party that unexpectedly won two seats in the European Parliament in June.

On Saturday, the Romanian Constitutional Court reportedly discussed legal challenges to six candidates. It rejected five of them but accepted the objection against Sosoaca without explaining its decision.

At the time of the decision, the politician was broadcasting live on Facebook, saying that the elections in Romania were being rigged.

“This proves the Americans, Jews and the European Union have plotted to rig the Romanian election before it has begun. From this moment, we have clear proof that in Romania dictatorship and utter lack of democracy are being discussed,” Sosoaca said.

Reuters notes that the court usually publishes detailed explanations of its decisions later.

Meanwhile, politicians from across the political spectrum said the ruling was an unprecedented threat to democratic values. Since the nine-member court was appointed for political reasons, many politicians have accused it of interference.

The presidential election in Romania, a member of the EU and NATO, will be held in two rounds on November 24 and December 8. In between, there will be parliamentary elections.

Almost 20 politicians have officially declared their candidacy, but opinion polls show that voters' preferences are extremely scattered.

According to the polls, it appears that leftist Social Democrat Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will advance to the second round of the presidential election. However, it is unclear with whom he will run.

“Although the role is largely ceremonial, the president's powers include nominating the prime minister after the election and appointing judges and prosecutors. They also include overseeing foreign policy, meaning the new president will play a crucial role in Romania's commitment to supporting Ukraine,” Reuters added.

A year and a half ago, Diana Sosoaca proposed to annex part of Ukraine's territories. In response, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said it would initiate sanctions against her.