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Republicans to support financial aid package for Ukraine under one condition

Republicans to support financial aid package for Ukraine under one condition Republican senators named the condition under which they support financial aid for Ukraine (photo: Getty Images)

The Republican Party in the Senate is prepared to support a funding package for Ukraine's defense needs, but only after Democrats agree to measures aimed at securing the southern border of the United States with Mexico, according to an interview with Republican Senator Jim Risch.

The senator explained the Republicans' refusal to support the funding package for Ukraine by expressing the desire to emphasize the need to address illegal migration across the southern border of the United States.

"It was a vote strictly along party lines on the national security package that we have to get done. We will get it done. We needed to impress upon our colleagues on the other side of the aisle that we're deadly serious. We Republicans are deadly serious about closing our southern border. We have close to 10,000 illegals a day coming across the United States border, and we need to secure our border, first and foremost," noted Risch.

According to him, although discussions on border security may take months or even years, it will not delay the decision-making process regarding financial assistance to Ukraine.

"The weeks and months you're talking about are behind us, not in front of us. We've been talking about this (border security in the U.S. - Ed.) not just for weeks and months but for years, and it's time to take this seriously," he said.

A high-ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Republican Senator Jim Risch, has consistently supported Ukraine. However, like other Republicans in the Senate, he did not support initiating the consideration of the bill for financial assistance to Ukraine.

Issues with U.S. financial aid for Ukraine

Ukraine is on the brink of losing military support from the United States due to a delay in the approval of financial aid packages by the U.S. Congress.

On December 6, the Senate blocked the start of debates on President Joe Biden's $106 billion aid package, which includes over $61 billion for Ukraine's defense needs. Republicans demanded tougher measures for securing the southern U.S. border with Mexico to be included in the bill.

President Joe Biden criticized the Senate's decision, accusing Republicans of engaging in political games.

At the same time, the White House is willing to compromise on strengthening border crossing rules for migrants to secure Republican Party votes for the approval of aid to Ukraine.