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Republicans preparing plan for Trump's first 100 days in case of victory - The Hill

Republicans preparing plan for Trump's first 100 days in case of victory - The Hill Photo: Donald Trump (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Republicans in Congress are already developing a program for Donald Trump if he wins the presidential election. The action plan is designed for the first 100 days of the presidency, The Hill reports.

Sources say that Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives expect to control the White House and Congress after the election, so they are setting the table.

Republican leaders in both chambers are drawing up a program for Donald Trump's first 100 days in office. They expect to move quickly to agree on a budget that includes a promise to cut taxes by trillions of dollars.

The GOP is considering funding a major new border security initiative that would include completing Trump's wall and possibly cutting off funding for parts of the government that Trump's allies say have become weaponized during Biden's term.

According to The Hill, the Republicans' top priority will be to extend the tax cut law, Trump's landmark legislative achievement, until it expires at the end of 2025.

Recently, aides to key Republicans, including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, House Republican Leader Steve Scalise, and Speaker Mike Johnson, met on this issue.

Johnson has been in frequent contact with Trump in recent months, and Scalise said he had spoken with the former president about his priorities for 2025.

Elections in the United States

On November 5, the US will hold presidential elections. The race is currently between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.

According to the latest polls by The Wall Street Journal, Trump has overtaken Harris, but the gap between them is insignificant - only two percentage points. However, in previous polls, the Democratic candidate was ahead of the Republican.