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Replacing USSR coat of arms with trident on Motherland monument: Ukrainians' reaction

Replacing USSR coat of arms with trident on Motherland monument: Ukrainians' reaction Replacing USSR coat of arms with trident on Motherland monument (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainians have warmly welcomed the initiative to replace the Soviet Union's coat of arms with the trident on the shield of the Motherland monument in Kyiv. However, many people think this could have been done after the war, according to a survey conducted by the "Democratic Initiatives" foundation and the Razumkov Center.

According to the survey data, 67% of respondents reacted positively to this decision, while only 16% had a negative opinion, with the rest either undecided or indifferent.

The majority of those surveyed (70%) agreed that replacing the Soviet Union's coat of arms with the trident on the Motherland monument is an important event symbolizing Ukraine's struggle for freedom and a break from its Soviet past. Approximately 17% disagreed with this decision.

At the same time, most Ukrainians (69%) also agreed that the replacement could have been done later (for example, after the war), and it would have been more appropriate to allocate the funds towards supporting the army and those affected by the war at the moment. About 21% of respondents disagreed with this viewpoint.

The survey was conducted by the "Democratic Initiatives" foundation and the Razumkov Center from August 9 to August 15, 2023, throughout Ukraine except for the territories occupied by Russia. The theoretical margin of error for the sample does not exceed 2.3%.

In August, with the support of private sponsors, the Soviet coat of arms was removed from the Motherland monument in Kyiv and replaced with the trident.