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Reaching city center of Zaporizhzhia: Russian forces alter design of guided aerial bombs

Reaching city center of Zaporizhzhia: Russian forces alter design of guided aerial bombs

The Russian army has made certain modifications to guided aerial bombs. Now, these missiles can reach the city center of Zaporizhzhia, according to the spokesperson for the Southern Defense Forces, Vladyslav Voloshyn.

"Indeed, the Russians have made certain changes to the design of aerial bombs and the platforms from which they are launched, and today they are able to strike with these guided aerial bombs not only at populated areas near the front line. These bombs are now starting to reach the city center of Zaporizhzhia," Voloshyn explained.

According to him, modernized bombs are also affecting cities like Kramatorsk and Kharkiv. He also noted that Russia currently has a sufficient quantity of these bombs.

Shelling of Zaporizhzhia

In the evening of Wednesday, September 25, explosions were heard in the vicinity of the city of Zaporizhzhia. It later became known that seven people were injured as a result of the shelling, including a teenager.