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Putin tries to keep Ukrainian occupied lands and bombs Russian villages - Zelenskyy

Putin tries to keep Ukrainian occupied lands and bombs Russian villages - Zelenskyy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is currently bombing his own villages and does not even think about the fate of his citizens. Even so, he still holds on to the occupied territories in Ukraine, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“How does this affect the reduction of Russian troops in Ukraine, that Putin will move troops to the Kursk region? I think this is an important conclusion. I spoke about this to my colleagues today,” Zelenskyy said.

He explained that one of the goals of the operation is to show who Putin is.

“To those states that have not yet realized why he came to the territory of our country. To show their societies what is more precious to him - the occupation of the territories of Ukraine or the protection of his population. And I am glad that what we told our partners, we have shown in practice,” the Head of State emphasized.

He also noted that right now, Putin is thinking about how to keep the territories of Ukraine he has seized, not about what will happen to his own citizens in the Kursk region.

“He is still thinking about how to keep the seized territories. He is not thinking about how to protect his people. He is now bombing his villages. Just bravo. His people there are shocked that they believed in this demon,” the president emphasized.

The situation in the Kursk region

Fighting has been going on in the Kursk region for several weeks. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing deeper into Russia every day, and more than 90 Russian settlements are currently known to have come under the control of the Armed Forces. In particular, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have recently taken control of another settlement.

The Russian authorities are calling on residents of Rylsk to leave for other regions of Russia and not to wait “until the last minute.” However, officials themselves are in no hurry to help Russians with the evacuation.

The Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Iryna Vereshchuk, said that during all this time, Russia has not asked for a humanitarian corridor to evacuate people from the Kursk region.