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Putin's peace plan remained undiscussed at summit in Switzerland - Scholz

Putin's peace plan remained undiscussed at summit in Switzerland - Scholz Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz (photo: Getty Images)

Russia's proposals for resolving the war in Ukraine were not discussed at the Peace Summit in Switzerland, states German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

He noted that the plan put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin did not have a serious intention. Furthermore, Putin's proposals - for Ukraine to relinquish control of four regions (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia) claimed by Russia, as well as to cease hostilities and abandon ambitions for NATO membership - were aimed solely at diverting attention from the conference.

According to Olaf Scholz, Russia could have ended the war today or at any moment but chose not to. At the same time, the German Chancellor believes that it is impossible to talk about achieving peace in Ukraine without Russia's participation.

Earlier, it was reported that Ukraine is considering Russia's participation in the second Peace Summit, but without compromises. Also, following the first summit, Ukraine is ready to present a peace plan to Russia.