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Prince Harry's real name revealed: One he’s never used his entire life

Prince Harry's real name revealed: One he’s never used his entire life Prince Harry (photo: Getty Images)

After all the scandals, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle rarely appear in public, yet they remain one of the couples everyone talks about. It turns out that Queen Elizabeth II's grandson has been hiding an interesting fact from his fans – his whole life, he has not used the name he was given at birth.

RBC-Ukraine reveals Prince Harry's real name.

Yes, on September 15, Queen Elizabeth II's grandson and Prince William's brother turned 40. And for this occasion, royal family fans might find an interesting fact about the prince intriguing.

Everyone is used to calling him Harry. Moreover, this name is used in the official protocols of the royal family. However, on September 15, 1984, when Princess Diana gave birth to Harry, she immediately announced his name—Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales.

Nevertheless, it was also made known that Diana and Charles's second son would not be called Henry. The prince’s parents decided that his real first name would be used within the family circle, while in public, he would be called Harry.

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Prince Harry's real name (photo: Getty Images)

As a child, when the prince misbehaved and didn’t listen to his parents, they would indeed call him Henry. However, as he grew older, nearly everyone forgot about this name.

In 2022, Prince Harry reminded people of it. During a video call with participants of a conference, he met a boy named Henry. Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson mentioned that he also shares that name, but he doesn’t use his real name.

Interestingly, Prince Harry's wife also doesn’t use her first name. At birth, Markle was named Rachel Meghan. However, her parents decided to ignore her first name for some reason, and that’s why she is known as Meghan, not Rachel.

Sources: OK! magazine, Wikipedia.