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Preparing for new stage of war: IDF shows video of raid on Gaza Strip

Preparing for new stage of war: IDF shows video of raid on Gaza Strip Israeli forces raid the northern part of the Gaza Strip (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

On the night of October 26, engineering and armored units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) entered the northern part of the Gaza Strip to carry out a new operation, according to the IDF.

According to the statement from the Israeli military, this purposeful raid, conducted on the night of October 26, involved the use of tanks and was carried out as part of preparations for the next stages of combat actions. The operations were overseen by the Givati brigade.

During the raid, Israeli soldiers identified and targeted combatants, as well as terrorist infrastructure and anti-tank rocket launchers. Additionally, the IDF stated that the military prepared the battlefield during this operation.

Following the completion of the raid, Israeli troops withdrew from the Gaza Strip region.

Israel's ground operation

On October 7, Hamas militants initiated an incursion into Israel, kidnapping and killing civilians while publicizing videos of their acts on social media.

In response, the Israeli Defense Forces announced the commencement of an operation against Hamas, aimed at the elimination of terrorists. The IDF has already launched strikes on the locations of the militants in the Gaza Strip.

Furthermore, a ground operation in the Gaza Strip is also being planned. Currently, Israel has deployed hundreds of military vehicles near its border.

Additionally, on October 25, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced preparations for a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.