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Powerful solar flares erupt: When to expect geomagnetic storm on Earth

Powerful solar flares erupt: When to expect geomagnetic storm on Earth Powerful magnetic storm is approaching Earth (Collage by RBC-Ukraine)

A sunspot that triggered the most powerful solar flare in years last week has become active again. It erupted with renewed strength, and in two days, scientists recorded two X-class flares, according to

What we know about new flares

On Monday, sunspot AR 3842 caused an X2.1 flare, and on Tuesday, an X1.8 flare. Although these flares were not as powerful as last week’s, they still emitted a significant amount of ultraviolet radiation. This led to radio blackouts in North and South America, as well as over the Pacific Ocean.

According to scientists, the flare that occurred yesterday was directed toward Earth, meaning that in just a few days, we can expect strong magnetic storms again.

Solar flares are classified on a scale ranging from the lowest class, A, to the highest, X. The strongest flare ever recorded was in 2003, estimated at X45.

X-class flares are the most powerful. M-class flares are 10 times less powerful than X-class. Next are C-class flares, which are 10 times weaker than M-class. B-class flares are even weaker than C, and A-class flares are typically very weak and almost unnoticeable from Earth.

Scientists from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Space Weather Prediction Center confirmed that Monday's eruption also showed signs of a coronal mass ejection (CME) – a plume of plasma and magnetic field.

Researchers are still analyzing data to determine if the CME is heading toward Earth and whether we might experience any impact. Experts noted that there was a clear coronal shadow and registered type II radio emissions moving at a speed of 5,176 km/s.

A CME is an emission from the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, which is a combination of magnetic field and plasma.

When to expect the magnetic storm

Such eruptions of energetic particles usually take several days to reach Earth and interact with our magnetic field.

Given the speed of this solar flare, the CME is expected to pass by Earth within 48 hours, meaning the magnetic storm will likely reach Earth by Thursday evening and Friday.

According to Meteoagent data, a powerful magnetic storm with a K-index 8 is expected to hit Earth on Thursday, October 10. Its intensity will continue through Friday, October 11. By Saturday, October 12, the storm will begin to weaken, with the K-index dropping to 5.

На Сонці відбулося два потужні спалахи: коли до Землі долетить магнітна буря

Magnetic storm forecast October 10-12 (screenshot)

Impact of a magnetic storm on humans

Many studies suggest that magnetic storms can affect human well-being. Scientists emphasize that strong magnetic storms can cause various health issues, particularly with the cardiovascular system. On days of magnetic storms, people often report feeling unwell and seek medical attention.

Common complaints include:

  • Headaches, migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness, fatigue
  • Reduced productivity and concentration
  • Daytime drowsiness, difficulty sleeping at night
  • Irritability, depression, aggression
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, blood pressure fluctuations
  • Increased anxiety
  • Apathy
  • Nausea
  • Joint and muscle pain

How to help your body

During magnetic storm periods, doctors recommend resting more, getting enough sleep, reducing physical activity, and spending time outdoors. It’s important to follow a normal daily routine, not skip meals, and add more vegetables, fruits, and light, nutrient-rich food to your diet.

Avoid excessive caffeine, energy drinks, spicy or unhealthy foods, and alcohol. Drink enough water, get fresh air, and ventilate your living spaces. If your condition worsens or you need help, contact a doctor.

Earlier, we wrote about why you might experience morning headaches and when you should seek immediate medical attention for a headache.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.