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Possibility of Putin's visit to Avdiivka before elections in Russia: Expert's opinion

Possibility of Putin's visit to Avdiivka before elections in Russia: Expert's opinion Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is unlikely to dare to come to Avdiivka to record a video address before the presidential elections in Russia, according to a comment of a military expert and former spokesman for the General Staff, Vladyslav Seleznov, to RBC-Ukraine.

According to the expert, he doubts that Putin actually plans to visit Avdiivka to record a video before the presidential elections.

"He is very cautious about his own security. Just recall how, during the two years of the war, he visited the headquarters of the Russian military group involved in the so-called special war operation in Rostov twice or three times. Once again in Mariupol, on Arabat Spit, and that's all," he notes.

At the same time, the capture of Avdiivka is extremely important for Putin ahead of the elections.

"Avdiivka is highly publicized. Therefore, gaining control of it will create an aura of victory for the Russian army. Since the last significant successes, this army achieved were in Soledar and Bakhmut," emphasizes the expert.

Rumors about Putin's plans

Earlier, information appeared on the Telegram channel Kremlin Tabakerka stating that Putin intends to record an address from the basements of Avdiivka against the backdrop of Western equipment.

Supposedly, the dictator believes that many NATO military vehicles are hidden in the coke-chemical plant basements. He demands to capture the city by the beginning of March, and the military command has already been given such a task.

By the way, you can find more details about the situation around Avdiivka in the material of RBC-Ukraine.