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Possibility of major breakthrough in counteroffensive this year - Zelenskyy assesses

Possibility of major breakthrough in counteroffensive this year - Zelenskyy assesses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Ukraine's counteroffensive continues, but whether there will be a major breakthrough this year remains unknown, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with CNN.

Zelenskyy positively assessed the counteroffensive by Ukrainian forces, which is ongoing. However, he confirmed that the advance is progressing more slowly than expected.

When asked about the possibility of a breakthrough this year, Zelenskyy replied, "I think nobody knows, really."

Nevertheless, according to the head of state, Ukrainian troops will succeed in specific areas this year.

"But I think that we will have more success," he said, pointing out Ukraine's achievements in the east.

Ukraine's counteroffensive

Since this year's summer, Ukrainian forces have been conducting offensive operations on several fronts. Ukrainian soldiers continued pushing against the enemy in the Melitopol direction and further south of Bakhmut.

In the past week, defense forces liberated two settlements in the Donetsk region - Andriivka and Klishchiivka.

More details on the situation on the frontlines and the successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield - in the material by RBC-Ukraine.