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Polish Foreign Minister outlined three steps for safe and stable world

Polish Foreign Minister outlined three steps for safe and stable world Photo: Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski (Getty Images)

Russia has invaded Ukraine with the support of other world dictatorial regimes and is attempting to undermine stability in the United States. To prevent a more global conflict and preserve a more stable world, the West needs to take three steps, stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, during his speech at the Atlantic Council's analytical center.

He recalled Vladimir Putin's address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2005, during which the dictator stated that the collapse of the USSR was the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." According to Sikorski, the invasion of Ukraine is part of Putin's efforts to restore the power and brutality of what President Ronald Reagan referred to as the "evil empire."

The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the invasion of Ukraine is taking place with the support and instigation of a criminal family of dictators from Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria. According to him, they all seek to undermine stability in the United States and achieve victory where it is not deserved.

"We need to take these steps not to escalate the war in Ukraine but to prevent an even bigger global conflict, which currently slides ever closer towards our borders. All this is now under threat. The peace that we achieved after two murderous world wars, the taboos that we set, which was that you may not change borders by force. This is threatened, but we can still set it right," said Sikorski.

According to him, "only three steps separate us from a safer and more stable world."

Firstly, it is necessary to support Ukrainians with weapons, which they urgently need.

Secondly, Sikorski believes that there is a need to invest in our security to create a powerful deterrent that will overshadow Putin and his friends.

Thirdly, deepen and expand our alliances to ensure lasting peace from a position of strength.

The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that we must take these steps not to escalate the war in Ukraine but to prevent an even larger global conflict, which "is now getting increasingly closer to our borders."

"There are only three steps separating us from a more secure and stable world. Take them together and we will prove we can stand up for our interests and defeat these dictators. Fail and we invite more thugs onto the world scene and this will have dire consequences.," Sikorski noted.

Threat to global security and the defeat of Ukraine

Recently, in an interview with Bloomberg, Sikorski stated that if the US Congress does not approve assistance to Ukraine, it will have profound consequences for all American alliances worldwide, and many countries around the world will start developing their own nuclear weapon programs to protect themselves.

In addition, the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also noted that Ukrainians are fighting like lions, but they cannot wage war with bare hands. According to him, Ukrainian losses are increasing as the ammunition for anti-aircraft missiles runs out, and soldiers lack artillery shells, forcing them into close combat.

Delay with US military aid

On February 13, the US Senate approved a bill for assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan amounting to $95 billion. In particular, the document provides for over $61 billion in aid to Ukraine.

For the bill to become law, it needs approval from the US House of Representatives and the signature of President Joe Biden.

However, on February 16, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson refused to bring the bill to a vote.

Congress members went on recess until February 28, once again postponing the approval and provision of US assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.