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Polish Foreign Minister explained what West is at risk of if Ukraine loses war

Polish Foreign Minister explained what West is at risk of if Ukraine loses war Photo: Ukraine losing the war will trigger a number of other wars in the world (Getty Images)

If the United States and Western countries do not help Ukraine win the war, it will free Vladimir Putin and his associates and provoke more wars in the world, states the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, during his speech at the Atlantic Council's analytical center.

According to the minister, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is "by no means a regional squabble. It is a war with global consequences." Therefore, "If we choose to abandon Ukraine, or do it by default, Putin will come to understand—as will other adversaries around the world—that he can get away with whatever he wants."

"He will push up much closer against the borders of NATO states, threatening further military incursions in Europe where our children will have to fight him. After all, Putin has openly stated that the Russian border 'doesn’t end anywhere,'" said Sikorski.

The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also emphasized that "appeasement may seem an easier path but it is in fact a dead end."

"If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up. Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. They’ll start hedging. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon, starting off a new nuclear race. I’m thinking of the Far East," said the minister.

Sikorski believes that all of this can be stopped. In his opinion, Putin has a significant weakness - he only attacks when he thinks he can get away with it, and he "shrinks in the face of strength, willpower, and credible deterrence."

Threat to global security and Ukraine's defeat

Recently, in an interview with Bloomberg, Radoslaw Sikorski stated that if the US Congress does not approve assistance to Ukraine, it will have profound consequences for all American alliances worldwide, and many countries will begin developing their own nuclear weapon programs to defend themselves.

Additionally, the Polish Foreign Minister noted that Ukrainians are fighting valiantly, but they cannot wage war with bare hands. According to him, Ukrainian losses are increasing as ammunition for anti-aircraft missiles runs out, and soldiers lack artillery shells, forcing them into close combat.

NATO and Europe prepare for possible escalations

Admiral Rob Bauer, the head of NATO's Military Committee, has stated that the Alliance requires transformation, and the West must be prepared for an era in which anything can happen at any time, including the onset of war.

NATO plans to conduct large-scale exercises in February involving approximately 90,000 military personnel. The scenario for the exercises involves a Russian attack on the Alliance's territory.

French President Emmanuel Macron has declared that European leaders must prepare for a possible Russian attack in the coming years.

Meanwhile, the US State Department does not support recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, as it could have "unintended consequences."