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Police completed evacuation of children in the Kupiansk district: Two missed

Police completed evacuation of children in the Kupiansk district: Two missed In the Kupiansk district, the police completed the evacuation of children (illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Law enforcement officials have completed the evacuation of children from the Kupiansk district of the Kharkiv region. Over the course of a month, 296 children were evacuated, according to the Kharkiv Regional Police.

"From November 3 to 26, a total of 296 children have been evacuated from the hazardous area. According to the list in the territory of the Kurylivska community, there are still 2 children: born in 2012 and 2018. However, the children are not present at their registered addresses. Their whereabouts are being determined," stated the announcement.

The police emphasized that mandatory evacuation of families with children was carried out in the Kupiansk district from November 3 to 26.

For this operation, 30 employees of the Kupiansk District Police Department of the National Police in the Kharkiv region, crews of the Special Purpose Police Unit White Angels, members of the Rapid Operational Response Unit (KORP - Korpus Operatyvno-Raptovoyi Diyi), volunteers, and local authorities were involved.

Thirty-one children have been evacuated from the territory of the Kondrashivska community, 182 children from the left bank of the Kupianska community, and 83 children from the Kurylivska community. All evacuated individuals have been safely transported to secure locations.

Evacuation in the Kharkiv region

In early November, compulsory evacuation of children was implemented in five communities of the Kupiansk district in the Kharkiv region. At that time, due to hazardous conditions, it was planned to transport 275 children and their families from 66 settlements to safer locations.

It is worth noting that the situation in Kupiansk is currently challenging. Russian forces began heavy shelling of the city immediately after the Ukrainian Armed Forces liberated it in the fall of 2022 during the extensive de-occupation of the Kharkiv region.