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Poland responds to Zelenskyy's request for MiGs: Supply possible under one condition

Poland responds to Zelenskyy's request for MiGs: Supply possible under one condition Photo: Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Minister of Defense of Poland (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Poland can transfer its MiG-29 aircraft to Ukraine only after receiving new fighters ordered from its allies, stated Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.

The Minister noted that Poland has provided Ukraine with all the military aid it could. According to the official, Warsaw makes all decisions through the lens of the country's security.

"I know that Ukraine needs many types of weapons, but our partners in Ukraine also need to understand that the Polish state must maintain its capabilities. This is a priority for me as Minister of Defense," he added.

Kosiniak-Kamysz also emphasized that his country can transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine only after replenishing the Polish Air Force with new aircraft. This concerns the F-35s ordered from the US, with the first one scheduled to be delivered this Wednesday, August 28. The first batch of fighter jets will not arrive before 2026.

"Only after receiving new aircraft will we be able to utilize old planes, such as the MiG-29s, which are still in use, including for tasks related to protecting Polish airspace. Then we will make decisions," the Defense Minister explained.


Today, August 27, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized during a press conference that Ukrainian defenders urgently need Polish MiG-29s. However, a decision on the supply has not yet been made.

The President also stressed the need for Poland to intercept missiles and drones over Ukraine that are heading towards Polish airspace.