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Poland not considering destroying Russian missiles and drones from its territory – Defense Ministry

Poland not considering destroying Russian missiles and drones from its territory – Defense Ministry Illustrative photo: Russia attacks Ukraine with Kh-101 missiles (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Poland is not discussing assistance to Ukraine in destroying Russian missiles and drones. A significant strengthening of Ukraine's air defense will be sufficient for protecting its skies, stated Polish Deputy Defense Minister Paweł Zalewski following a meeting of EU defense ministers.

According to him, Ukraine should have the capability to defend itself and protect its airspace.

"On the other hand, we are not considering, in any format, especially bilateral, what is actually one of Ukraine’s expectations—namely, the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles or drones from Polish territory," Zalewski added.

He believes that strengthening Ukraine's air defense will be sufficient to protect against constant Russian attacks. Then “support from the Polish Air Force” will not be needed.


Earlier, Ukraine and Poland signed a security agreement. The document includes a provision for developing a mechanism whereby Polish military forces could intercept missiles and drones over Ukraine.

It is important to note that this pertains only to those air targets heading towards Poland, not all aerial objects over Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently noted that Poland cannot decide to destroy missiles and drones over Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary for the US to support such an initiative.