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Poland may set conditions for Ukraine's EU membership - Polish Defense Minister

Poland may set conditions for Ukraine's EU membership - Polish Defense Minister Photo: Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Minister of Defense of Poland (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

EU membership is not a vital issue for Ukraine. Therefore, Warsaw can set its conditions for Kyiv, stated Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.

He stated that discussing the resolution of the Volhynia issue in the context of Ukraine's accession to the European Union is supposedly the "most honest approach" that can be imagined.

The official stated that this issue is not a condition for providing military or humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, as people's lives are at stake. He also mentioned that this way, Warsaw could influence the outcome of Russia losing the war.

"Joining the EU is not about 'being' or 'not being' for Ukraine; it is an opportunity for development, for higher GDP growth, it is their chance. We can set conditions for such development, and in addition to the conditions set by the EU, we can impose our ethical and historical conditions regarding Volhynia," the Minister added.

He also clarified that the issue of exhuming the victims of the Volhynia tragedy should be resolved between Ukraine and Poland. The work must be conducted at the level of state institutions.

Conditions for EU accession

Earlier, the Polish Minister of Defense stated that his country cannot allow Ukraine to join the European Union until the issue of the Volhynia tragedy is resolved.

Following this, Polish President Andrzej Duda stated that he is against such ultimatums for Ukraine. According to Duda, such demands align with the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin.