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Duda opposes blocking Ukraine's accession to EU because of 'Volyn massacre'

Duda opposes blocking Ukraine's accession to EU because of 'Volyn massacre' Polish President Andrzej Duda (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Blocking Ukraine's path to the European Union aligns with Vladimir Putin's policy. However, Ukraine must find agreement with Poland on complex issues, including historical ones, according to Polish President Andrzej Duda.

"I have tried to act in a way that does not create points of tension between Warsaw and Kyiv... This has not been easy, as there are complicated problems between us. But I have also discussed these issues with President Zelenskyy, and the best example of this was the president's presence in Lutsk on the anniversary of the Volyn massacre," Duda said.

According to him, reaching a consensus on all complex issues, particularly historical ones, is also in Ukraine's interest. "Please remember that Ukrainians have many problems with the past from World War II," he added.

The president was asked about a statement by Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, who said that if the issue of Volhynia between Warsaw and Kyiv is not resolved, in his opinion, Ukraine has no place in the European Union.

Duda said that Putin invaded Ukraine to stop its integration with the EU.

"If someone says they will block Ukraine's access to the European Union, this aligns with Vladimir Putin's policy. Well, I don't know if that is the intention of the current government," the president added.

At the same time, Duda said that "these are complex issues, including those that Ukrainians themselves have been silent about for years and which need to be taken into account."

Earlier, Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said that official Warsaw should not approve Ukraine's membership in the European Union until the issue of the 1943 Volyn tragedy is resolved. In his opinion, against the backdrop of Ukraine's Euro-integration, the Polish authorities should "issue an ultimatum."

In 1943, a conflict occurred between Ukrainians and Polish settlers in Volyn, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties on both sides. Poland and pro-Russian propaganda refer to these events as the "Volyn massacre."