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Poland claims it would not be surprised by Russia's attack and explains why

Poland claims it would not be surprised by Russia's attack and explains why Radoslaw Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland (photo: Getty Images)

A Russian attack would not come as a surprise to Poland, as the Russians have done this many times in Polish history, states Radoslaw Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

"Russia has attacked Poland many times over the 500 years of our history. So we would not be surprised at all. Russia would have lost, because we, as the West, are much more powerful than Russia. Today, Ukraine is not fighting alone. Unlike what often happened in the past, we will not fight alone," Sikorski said.

According to the Polish minister, today Poland has a choice: either a defeated Russian army outside Ukraine or a victorious Russian army on the border.

"And then Putin will do what Hitler did with Czechoslovakia: he will take the industry and people in Ukraine and mobilize them to continue. It is better to stop Putin in Ukraine, 500-700 kilometers east of here," he explained.

Polish statements about the war with Russia

This is not the first statement by Polish officials about the threat from Russia. For example, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that Russia could restore its military potential by 2026, after which Moscow could attack NATO.

At the same time, Polish Minister Sikorski assured that a war with NATO would end in defeat for Russia. But, according to the Polish Foreign Minister, the North Atlantic Alliance still needs to strengthen its defense.