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Phrases that happiest couples say in marriage: Check yourself and your partner

Phrases that happiest couples say in marriage: Check yourself and your partner What phrases are often said by happy couples (photo:

Have you ever wondered if there is a way to measure the level of satisfaction and fulfillment in a relationship? Some may say that romantic feelings, chemistry, closeness, communication, or even understanding are good indicators of functional and fulfilling relationships. However, at times, it is necessary to analyze one's relationships to truly comprehend this.

Here are phrases used by couples who are genuinely happy and successful in marriage, according to Psychologies.

Researchers from Wright State University published a study in 2022 titled Relationship Checkup. The team of scientists determined that the act of couples summarizing their relationships not only allows them to become aware of their satisfaction levels but also improves it.

Engaging in discussions about the strengths of the relationship, problems, levels of empathy, or even communication skills had a positive impact on the couple.

Likely for this reason, John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman, psychologists married for over 35 years, listed six phrases commonly uttered by happy couples that can help you evaluate your relationship. Relationship experts shared how the most successful couples handle their conflicts. According to them, these couples often express the following propositions:

"Here's what I feel": Amid a conflict, everyone should have the opportunity to express their feelings.

"I need to calm down": Partners should know when and how it is appropriate to lower the tension.

"I'm sorry": Apologies demonstrate that each person can acknowledge their wrongdoing and take responsibility.

"Let's take a break": A healthy conflict can be paused, especially when it is getting out of control for the partners.

"I agree": Seeking compromise, understanding when the other person raises an issue you hadn't considered, or understanding their reaction by putting yourself in their shoes can help resolve differences.

"I appreciate...": According to two experts, thanking each other for transparency, honesty, and the ability to communicate, or addressing issues is a key to thriving relationships.

Earlier, we mentioned that psychologists identified six signs that you have fallen out of love with your partner.

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