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Phone number remains unchanged: Macron names condition for resuming dialogue with Putin

Phone number remains unchanged: Macron names condition for resuming dialogue with Putin President of France Emmanuel Macron (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

French President Emmanuel Macron is open to dialogue with the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin if the latter demonstrates a willingness to build a strong peace, according to a statement from French President Emmanuel Macron during a press conference following the meeting of European Union leaders.

"I did not start a war unilaterally, violating agreements to which I agreed. And it was not France that decided to commit military crimes in northern Ukraine, making discussions practically impossible. Well, we have to be serious, so I have a very straightforward position. I haven't changed my number," Macron has stated.

The President of France has added that he is prepared to talk with Putin if the latter demonstrates a desire to initiate a dialogue that can build a strong peace and has serious proposals regarding it.

"If President Putin is ready for dialogue and has serious proposals to move forward and exit the conflict, building a strong peace that respects international law, thus respecting Ukrainian interests and sovereignty, I'll take the call," the French leader has said.

Negotiations with Russia

Last year, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy adopted a National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decision stating the impossibility of negotiations with dictator Vladimir Putin.

To resume negotiations, Russia must:

  • Completely leave Ukrainian territory.
  • Change its political elite.
  • Acknowledge war crimes.
  • Hand over the organizers of the war to the tribunal.