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Peace plan for Ukraine: Brazilian President complains of ignored initiatives

Peace plan for Ukraine: Brazilian President complains of ignored initiatives Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Photo: Getty Images)

According to the Reuters, in a renewed statement, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that he has once again addressed his "peaceful initiatives" for Ukraine and expressed frustration over the dismissal of his so-called "plan."

Lula da Silva asserts that Brazil is working towards peace in Ukraine, but according to him, neither Putin nor Zelenskyy are willing.

The Brazilian leader explained that his country, along with others, aims to formulate a "peaceful proposition" for Ukraine, when both sides are willing. Lula da Silva criticized Western nations and the United Nations Security Council for purportedly failing to halt the conflict.

"The UN Security Council has not fulfilled its duty. The US invaded Iraq, France and England intervened in Libya, and now Russia. And each has the power of veto," he stated.

Furthermore, the Brazilian President believes that the G7 should no longer exist and should be replaced by a larger group based on the G20 principle, involving developing nations.

"I hope that people will finally see that discussing policies in the G7 is outdated. After G20, G7 shouldn't even exist," emphasized Lula da Silva.

Brazil's "peace initiatives"

The president of Brazil expressed readiness to mediate between Ukraine and Russia, even presenting his "peace plan." However, Kyiv reacted skeptically due to the politician's pro-Russian views.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited the Brazilian President to Ukraine, which he chose to ignore.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized his desire to personally meet with the Brazilian leader and even expressed his willingness to visit Brazil if an official invitation is extended.