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Over 8,000 soldiers and 400 artillery systems: Russian weekly losses in Ukraine

Over 8,000 soldiers and 400 artillery systems: Russian weekly losses in Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

The Ukrainian military has reported on Russian losses at the front over the past week. From June 30 to July 7, the Russian military lost 8,290 soldiers, according to the commander of the Land Forces Oleksandr Pavliuk.

The total combat losses of the enemy over the week are approximately as follows:

  • personnel - 8,290 eliminated,
  • tanks - 75 units
  • armored combat vehicles - 121 units,
  • artillery systems - 404 units,
  • MLRS - 5 units,
  • air defense systems - 6 units,
  • UAVs of operational and tactical level - 278,
  • cruise missiles - 21,
  • vehicles and tankers - 460 units,
  • special equipment - 47.

Russia's losses in Ukraine

As of the morning of July 7, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated another 1,150 Russian soldiers. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy has lost about 549,840 soldiers. The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 16 armored personnel carriers and 40 artillery systems over the day.

According to military estimates, Russia's losses in the three months of fighting for Chasiv Yar amounted to about 5,000, while about 82,000 were lost in the eastern areas in total. Earlier, Forbes wrote that Russia allegedly lost up to 99,000 troops in the battle for Chasiv Yar.