ua en ru

One fatality from Russian strike reported in Mykolaiv region, mayor of city among injured

One fatality from Russian strike reported in Mykolaiv region, mayor of city among injured Photo: Mayor of Voznesensk Yevhenii Velychko (

Today, July 10th, the Russian Federation shelled a civilian object in Voznesensk, the Mykolaiv region. As a result of the strikes, injuries and one fatality were reported, according to Vitalii Kim, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration.

According to Kim, one person died as a result of the Russian strike on the city of Voznesensk. Eight others were injured, all in moderate to severe condition.

"The mayor of Voznesensk is among the injured," Kim reported.

Earlier today, explosions were reported in Voznesensk. Ukrainian Air Forces had warned of a high-speed target moving towards the city. The air alert lasted from 02:33 to 03:15 p.m.

Shelling of Ukraine

On the night of Wednesday, July 10th, the enemy attacked Ukraine with ballistic and aviation missiles. Additionally, drones of the Shahed type were launched.

In total, 14 Shahed drones were successfully destroyed within the regions of Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, and several other areas.