How to eat after 40 - Nutritionist's tips

The condition of a mature body differs from that of a younger one. Considering age-related changes, it is necessary to adjust your diet accordingly. Certain foods should be included in your diet after the age of 40, according to a Ukrainian nutritionist and dietitian Olena Kostiuk.
According to the expert, breakfast should contain a sufficient amount of proteins and fats, whether animal-based (e.g., eggs, ham) or plant-based (e.g., almonds, grains).
This ensures the proper functioning of neurotransmitters throughout the day (dopamine, serotonin).
This meal should be relatively light and also include animal proteins (e.g., fish, white meat) accompanied by a variety of vegetables. Variety is more important than quantity.
The nutritionist noted that, if possible, you should choose vegetables with a glycemic index below 60. You can also opt for rice (glycemic index 60) or pasta as a side dish. Portions should correspond to your physical activity in the second half of the day.
For a sedentary lifestyle, the diet should be moderate.
By 5:00 p.m., cortisol (the stress hormone) levels decrease, as do serotonin levels. If you don't consume carbohydrates (slow-digesting ones) at this time, the levels of these two hormones, which support balance and brain function, will drop even further.
This is the moment to recharge your body. Dried fruits are a good source of nutrients. You can also have a piece of dark (bitter) chocolate or a banana, which is rich in potassium and tryptophan.
It's important to remember that dinner should contain omega-3s (fatty fish and avocados) whenever possible, as this is the best time to absorb them.
In addition, there should be a variety of vegetables, and most importantly, a minimum of sugar. That's because if you eat fast carbohydrates with a glycemic index of more than 70, the precious growth hormone produced at night will dramatically decrease its level.
The evening meal should be taken at least 2 hours before bedtime. A night's sleep should last about 6-8 hours, as less sleep stimulates appetite by about 20% and greatly reduces the feeling of satiety.
Example of a meal
Different meals can contain the following foods:
Breakfast - high in protein and low in fat. For example, eggs, fruit, and cereals
Lunch: animal proteins, seasonal vegetables. For example, white meat or fish and various vegetables
Snack: complex carbohydrates. You can eat dried fruit or dark (bitter) chocolate
Dinner: animal proteins (100 g) and vegetables. This includes fatty fish, various vegetables, and no sugar. Also, do not forget about water.
Earlier, we discussed how many times a day you should eat to stay healthy.
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