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Number of casualties of Odesa region shelling increased

Number of casualties of Odesa region shelling increased Photo: the number of victims due to the shelling of Odesa region on April 21 increased to 4 people (

The number of casualties increase after a Russian ballistic missile strike in the Odesa region on April 21, reports the Telegram channel of the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Oleh Kiper.

"It's been reported that 4 individuals were injured as a result of a missile strike on the Odesa region. Among them are three men and one woman," he said.

Currently, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration (OVA), medical personnel are providing all necessary assistance. Rescuers and municipal services continue to eliminate the consequences of the attack.

Consequences of the Russian attack in the Odesa region (

Shelling of the Odesa region

On April 21, an explosion was heard in Odesa. There were reports of a ballistic threat from Russian-occupied Crimea.

As later clarified by the military, Russians continue to carry out targeted attacks on Ukraine. Invaders once again targeted a transport and logistics object in the Odesa region. Initially, there was a report of one injured person.

It is worth noting that earlier, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named the regions most vulnerable to Russian attacks.